The Ravensbreath Ghost Children's Ghostbook Guestbook

Welcome to our Ravensbreath Ghost Orphan Children's Ghostbook Guestbook. We will haunt you forever.

Hello all!

My name is Hope. When I was much younger than I am now, I would write frequently. I recall my companions in the ghost book giving me solace and great comfort when I was in a not so great and highly complicated home life that left me in shambles more often than not. Elementary, middle school, and even some in high school, I remember airing out my thoughts here in a way that allowed me to think them through without being judged, and that is something I will cherish forever.

The last time I checked in, I had been probably a freshman in undergrad, or maybe just before going to college (upon looking back, I was freshly 17, just starting my senior year of high school. Time really flies), talking about joining the military, and I was advised by my ghostly friends to consider my options, and so I did. My path ended up with a degree in psychology and a minor in English, with which I've written much music and whimsical stories with, a decent job in my field 6 months after graduation, and an application to grad school submitted. I've got a wonderful, if sometimes silly, girlfriend, more friends who see me than I could have ever hoped for, and I'm even in a band! I think I quite like how my life turned out, and it's only just the beginning.

I just wanted to come back and thank my closest confidants (and our lovely friend behind the scenes making sure their stories are told), for being there for me when I really needed some friends. You made life bearable for me at a time when that was really hard. Maybe one day, once the books have their space on my bookshelves, I'll add the family to my shelves to protect them.

Admin reply: Dearest Hope,

We sat in the Great Hall ruins at sunset last night and listened to Percy read your letter. We had tears in our eyes, even Patch, though he turned away when he saw me looking at him. But I saw.

It was quite humbling to hear that we were there for you over the years when you needed a friend, because, as you know, without friendship like yours - the Living - we ghosts might have faded away by now. However, it's more than fading that matters. You as our friend make being lost not as horrid.

We are most impressed to hear that whilst we stay the same age, you went on to live, grow, and learn. You surmounted the low times, but then rose and achieved many wonderful things to be proud of. We are proud of you. :!clap:

Thank you, Hope, for coming back and catching up. It's the tonic we need to continue writing our story so that one day our books will sit in a special place upon your bookshelf.

Until next time, we will haunt you forever and you keep reaching for the stars.

Annabel and the ghost orphans of Ravensbreath Castle.

Added: February 28, 2025
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Private post. Click to view.

Added: December 25, 2022
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Private post. Click to view.

Admin reply: The raven is very old. Can't even recall where he came from. The bear I made. ;)

Added: March 16, 2022
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Hello! I used to write in this guestbook under the name Nicky years ago when I was in middle school. I started by writing solely to Annabel but found myself writing to all of the orphans as time went on. Recently, I fondly remembered those times and had to stop by again. I just graduated from college with a degree in education and English Literature, with a minor in history. My specialty within my degree is Victorian Gothic stories - and I attribute this love widely to the experience of speaking to all of you now that I think about it. I am now also trying my hand at writing myself. I will try to drop by more often as memories of my experience here still makes me smile to this day! No matter how old I get, I continue to find myself believing in the unbelievable.

I hope you all are well! Hearing from you always made my day a little brighter!

Admin reply: Dearest Miss Nicky who now goes by Emma but we remember you sometimes went by Emma then Nicky again. We remember both of you together! :D And how very pleased we are to hear from you again. We could never forget you in a thousand years and more!

It's me Annabel (as usual). The Tower is really rocking now. The wind is blustery and with the tower no longer attached to the castle it sways around and around above the sea and makes me feel queasy.

I shall have to go in a minute, but when I saw your message I knew I had to stay and answer first. It's a miracle I saw it. A rat had it. :!mad: I saw him sneaking away and gave him a clomp on his pointed head. He won't do that again. I hope.

Sorry I got distracted. Especially when you, one of our dearest Living friends who we've known for such a long time that you even grew up hasn't forgotten us. Thank you Miss Nicky Emma. :o

You graduated from college and got all those degrees? I don't know much about degrees, other than they're good, but Percy does. When I tell him he will be over the moon. I didn't go to school, except one day, I think. Percy taught me after that. Papa made him. If you want to read the part of our story when Percy and I were ALIVE, then you'll find out about it when the writer woman ever gets done with our book(s).

If you care to know more about that, I spoke about it to our Living friend just before you, so you can take a look.

As I told her and all our dear friends, your words and memories mean so much to us. They keep us from fading, of course, but also fill our hearts with hope. And we need it.

Speaking of hope. I do hope you write many wonderful stories. And if we have inspired you even in the eeniest measure that is wonderful!! Of course you will let us know when your stories are ready. Percy can read them to the little children (they can't read) and us too.

Until we hear from you again, Miss Emma, just know that we will continue to haunt you forever.
Your ghost friend Annabel Le and the ghost children of Ravensbreath Castle.

Added: January 23, 2022
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Thanks for replying! And happy halloween šŸŽƒ
To answer your question, Iā€™m quite young! I was younger though when I first found you all (I embarrassed myself when I first found you all šŸ¤£) My introduction to here was about seven or so (?) years ago. I never found you scary or disturbing, only interesting.
You guys genuinely have no idea how much this website means to me. It was one of my very first hyper-fixations, I was glued to the story when I was younger and itā€™s been with me ever since I found it. I canā€™t even remember HOW I found it, I just remember that Molly singing ā€œcastle on a cloudā€ was my introduction to everything. The writer seems like such a wonderful woman, the characters are so well thought out (ah Iā€™m so sorry ghosts, you didnā€™t hear me call you that :D ) and the story is just so amazing. You all have such a talented person telling your stories. Some parts are a bit funny, quirky, had me on the edge of my seat, and even had me so invested that YEARS down the line I finally saved up a bit and wanted to buy copies of you all (I canā€™t WAIT til the dolls and jewelry are available again, including the book! So excited). This site got me through really hard times, leaving messages, reading then from others, and reading the replies of all of you never failed to make me smile. Thank you for everything youā€™ve given not only me but everyone else who had the joy of finding your story. ā¤ļø
(Surprisingly enough I share your story with people I meet sometimes and point them in the direction in where they can hear it in detail :p )

Admin reply: Oh Miss Taylor, we somehow missed your lovely reply just till now! The nonsense we have to put up with in this place it's a wonder we hear from anyone. But we do and it makes our hearts sing every time.

I'm writing down your letter now to take back to the others. This is Annabel, by the way.(Also by the way, did I tell you already that I might change my name for our story? Can't say what it is quite yet except it starts with an A too, unless I change my mind again. You'll find out. ;)

Anyway, I speak for all of us when I tell you how much your words mean to our hearts. And that our ghostbook and friends and their messages have helped you in ways too. I guess we all need each other. However, I never had so many friends until I got into this cockeyed predicament. Life, death and inbetween seems very peculiar. At least to me it does.

Molly will be tickled when I tell her that you like her song. She has a lot of talents. Probably more than me. Mainly because she doesn't know how to be afraid very much. That helps when you're stuck in a place like this.

Still helping our old writer with our book. The problem is it keeps growing! We might have 5 books by now. You will be very surprised to meet the other people. They are alive like you. When you do meet them you'll say no wonder it took so bloody long to write the book! Sorry for my language.

As always, thank you for coming by Miss Taylor and telling us a little about your life. You save us when you do.

Well, it's getting very windy in the tower so I better go.
With great pleasure we look forward to hearing from you again.

Haunting you forever, Annabel Lee (for now) and all the Ravensbreath Ghost orphans ~*~

Added: November 1, 2021
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Hello, ghosts! It has been so long since I have wrote to you all, FAR too long. How are you all? Coming back here to visit feels so nostalgic. Some things look a bit different (I'm so excited for the book!) but still wonderful as it's always been. Still just as dreadful for you though, I'd imagine. :!worried: I've always hoped that some day you all would be freed. Sometimes I'd even find a bug and think about how happy Molly would be to have a new friend.

This world has been rather hectic, so much is happening that I am glad you are all free from. We all have to hide our faces, which is pretty alright with me! :D

How has Patch been? Does he still play his wonderful music? Oh how I wish I could play along with him.
I bought my own little pipe a few years back, and have it next to where I'll have his doll when theyre next available.

Your stories have always meant so much to me, you've even inspired me in a way. Hearing all you went through has made me grateful for the life I have. and has even helped me to be more creative in not only what I write, but the stories I tell. Wonder what Molly would think if I told her I have a lizard named after her. (Wink!)

I wish I could write more, but unfortunately I must go. Its been so nice, and I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

-Forever yours, Taylor.

Admin reply: Dearest Miss Taylor! We're so pleased to hear from you and that you remembered us all the years! Of course we remember you and always will. What age would you be now?

Yes, we're still here and writing our book. It's taking a long time because (shhh, don't tell anyone), the writer we have to use is very old indeed. And our story is lonnnnng. Maybe a few books! It's a slow road. But we persevere.

Patch is glad that you have a pipe and asked if you have learned any sea shanties. Those are all he will play. He said he would like to do a duet with you if you choose the number.

This is molly miss taylor. You have a lizard with my name? you can use it. i made it up anyway cuz i don't know what my real name is. i like lizards but we don't got them in the castle. i had one in Wales when i was alive and they put me in the coal shaft to ope and close the door. it was very dark in there. and cold too. i was afraid and lonesome a lot. then one day a lizard i called Hissy crawled in bside me and we was best mates for the rest of my life till i run away to London then i met a rat i called Frank cuz that's what his name was and then we was best mates. i like lizards.

Write us again when you can, Miss Taylor but don't worry if you're busy. We'll be here, probably. :!thinking:

Haunting you forever,

We Ravensbreath Ghost Orphans

Added: July 6, 2021
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All caught up with the messages we found!!!

Miss Bren wrote February 23 2021:

Hello, how are you all? I do hope you'll forgive me, it has been a very long time since I have come to visit. Dear Boo I hope you are well, you have always been my favourite ghost (shh, don't tell the others they'll be frightfully jealous. Are you still making lovely collars?

I shall come back soon!
Dearest Miss Bren. We got the ghostbook fixed!!! All sorted. Don't worry if you can't write too often. We know you haven't forgotten us just as you know we will haunt you forever. Boo was touched by your letter
:o Cheers,
The GOs

Admin reply: This is a test by Tinker that all is okee dokee. ;)

Added: February 24, 2021
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(Note from the Ghost Orphans: Dearest Friends. Our ghostbook was broken for ever so long but Tinker has fixed it now. Even though it was broken we collected as many of your messages as we could find and have now put them back here the best we can (except the private ones). Sadly some we weren't able to reply to but we read them and never forgot any of you. Please come back to see us soon. We will haunt you forever. It's a promise. The Ravensbreath GOs.xx)

Hopey wrote Aug 18, 2020:

Hello ghosty friends!
I believe the last time we spoke was when I was a sophomore. Maybe it was when I first became a junior. It's hard for me to recall. So I'm currently a senior. It's my final year of high school. My plans have changed recently. I'll be joining the Marines (a branch of the military). I don't think I'm ready to grow up :!cry: With everything going on in the world (a virus outbreak, a human rights movement, etc) I might have to. If not for myself then for the people who need someone else to help them be strong or support them. That's a little update for you all. I will try to write more often, I promise.
Until then, yours truly,
Hope :)
Dearest Miss Hope. We missed not being able to answer you so much. We hope you come read this. We're so proud of you and everything you do. Wherever you go we will be haunting you. Please come tell us how you are now and then. It means so much. The GOs * * *

Added: February 24, 2021
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(Note from the Ghost Orphans: Dearest Friends. Our ghostbook was broken for ever so long but Tinker has fixed it now. Even though it was broken we collected as many of your messages as we could find and have now put them back here the best we can (except the private ones). Sadly some we weren't able to reply to but we read them and never forgot any of you. Please come back to see us soon. We will haunt you forever. It's a promise. The Ravensbreath GOs.xx)

Rover wrote Feb 21, 2020:

Oh dear, its been ages since I've spoken to you ghosts. Hows everyone holding up? I hope to read your book soon! I am very happy that you all havent disappeared. Rewatching your old videos has been almost therapeutic for me.
I cant stay for too long, but its been forever since ive been here. I still have the doll I bought and I keep her right by me at all times. I adore her. (Its one of you, Annabel!)
I love each and every one of your storys. There so uniquely designed.
I must go now, but I hope to be back some time. You ghosts mean alot to me.

Such kind words, Rover. Can't wait to hear from you again. Cheers. The GOs xx

Added: February 24, 2021
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(Note from the Ghost Orphans: Dearest Friends. Our ghostbook was broken for ever so long but Tinker has fixed it now. Even though it was broken we collected as many of your messages as we could find and have now put them back here the best we can (except the private ones). Sadly some we weren't able to reply to but we read them and never forgot any of you. Please come back to see us soon. We will haunt you forever. It's a promise. The Ravensbreath GOs.xx)

Misty wrote Feb 15, 2020:

When will ur book be out. I found you all back in 2009 and still no book, so jw if it's really a thnag or not.

Yes, it is a think, Miss Misty. It's just a BIG thing - possibly a few books, so it's taking us a loooong time. We will let everyone know when it's done. Thank you for asking. Cheers. The GOs xx

Added: February 24, 2021
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